About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
The Cadet Program
The Royal Canadian Army Cadets is a national Canadian youth program sponsored by the Canadian Armed Forces and the civilian Army Cadet League of Canada. Under the authority of the National Defence Act, the program is administered by the Canadian Armed Forces and funded through the Department of National Defence.
The framework of the cadet program is built upon military traditions and customs. Through a military-like environment, Cadets are introduced to training activities related to their respective Canadian Armed Forces element. Cadets are NOT expected to join the Canadian Armed Forces, and although some cadets will pursue military careers, many in fact do not. Through the Cadet Program, the Government of Canada is investing in today’s youth and Canada’s future. The Cadet Program is community-based. The program succeeds through strong community support and involvement. Cadets in turn make valuable contributions to their communities.
What do we do?
​Army Cadets focus on adventure training activities such as outdoor activities and international expeditions.
Why do youth aged 12 to 18 years old join cadets?
To have fun;
To be with their friends or to make new ones;
To partake in interesting and unique challenges;
To participate in diverse training at no cost;
To learn valuable life skills (work and personal); and
To improve their self-confidence and sense of responsibility.
Things to remember about the Cadet Program
Invites all Canadian youth aged 12 to 18;
Instills Canadian military values;
Develops in youth attributes of citizenship, leadership and fitness;
Balances safety and challenge;
Leaves a positive life-long impact through a set of positive youth outcomes;
Cadets are proud Canadians and proud citizens;
Cadets contribute to Canada’s future; and
Cadets represent Canada in a positive light.

Corps Staff
Acer Acerpori (As the Maple, so the Sapling)
This is the current staff for 1909 Army Cadets